

  1. National High School Federation rules will be followed with a few   expectations listed below.
  2. Teams will shoot 2 foul shots after 8 Team Fouls in each half.
  3. After the 5th personal foul on an individual player, all other fouls on that player will result in 2 foul shots and retention of the ball.
  4. All games will be played in two (2) sixteen (16) minute halves.
  5. There will be a three (3) minute halftime.
  6. Teams will be allowed to call two (2) full time-outs and one (1) thirty second time-out during the regulation game. One (1) additional full time-out in overtime. (Two minute overtime period) – Sudden victory after the first overtime. First point scored wins.
  7. In bracket play the home team is the bottom team on the bracket and will sit to the left of the scorekeeper facing the court. The home team will wear light colored jerseys.